Monday, 2 November 2015

Book News and Nanowrimo!

Hello lovelies,

So, today I have a different type of blogpost for you all. I have been checking up on books and things that were coming up.

The first announcement that I have is something I am currently very very upset about!

It is that they CHANGED THE RELEASE DATE FOR THE VANISHING THRONE BY ELIZABETH MAY!  This has positively infuriated me. I need the book really badly as the last book was so awesome and I need to know what happens next.

And this cover is so beautiful:

The new release date is June 7th 2016.

How do they expect me to wait that long???

And the second announcement is that this month is Nanowrimo month!

And yes, I am participating. Like I do every year now.

I am going to be writing a story about Camelot and a girl who is going back in time to that time period.  I will be giving you updates and possible chapters or lines from my story.

That’s it for now. See you all soon!
